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Saturday, 21 February 2015

Discovery and Caption Editing on Instagram
Some of the more recent updates delivered by Instagram consists of improvements to the discovery tab which allows users to discover more effectively. In this update, users who click on the discovery tab (magnifying glass icon) will have the option of exploring two tabs instead of one: Photos and People. The photo tab remains the same which consists of a scrolling grid of photos and videos that users post. The second explore tab consists of a tab named “People” which displays a list of people who Instagram has recommended to you. This future displays a profile pic of several users as well as recent pictures or videos that they have posted. In addition to the new updates to explore, Instagram has also provided the ability for users to go back and edit captions on the user’s posts. In my opinion this was a great idea for Instagram to implement because I’m sure there has been a time where people have made a typo in their captions which now can be edited. Before this update, users would have to either delete their posts and upload a new one or just leave the typo where it is. This edit option has been one of the top requests by users in which has been brought forward to the company and has now recently been implemented.


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